It has a name and its called binging. I didn't want to post about the master cleanse I was doing but if I'm going to journal my journey than i must be honest. I failed on day one of a 10 day cleanse and what I've realized from reading other blogs is that 1) I binge and 2) I self sabotage and 3) I'm not alone. This morning the tears formed in my eyes as I got an email from a boot camp I did last year that yielded me little results. Why? because of my eating. So this email has 5 questions which I can answer Yes to 4 of them. One of them being "have you found that you eat especially when you are emotional?". I know I'm an emotional eater but the whole binging and self sabotaging thing I wasn't aware.
As I've been reflecting I felt like I've needed to do all things possible to help me become "free" from food. If i can join all the challenges I come across and possibly join eaters anonymous. Maybe the 12 step approach is what I need to finally get my eating under control.
As I type this my nephew is making a hamburger and it smells so good. Goodness what is wrong with me?
Instead of doing a temporary extreme measure, try to find an eating plan you can live with. That way you can plan so you won't be hungry. You're always going to have temptations, but there are ways to minimize how badly they affect you.